Future Theater logo, with robots.

Ninth Anniversary! πŸš€ 287

πŸ‘― February 29, 2016

A photo of the musicians at our wedding.

Tonight we are planning a very fun, very casual show as we celebrate our ninth wedding anniversary. I’ve finally gotten the sound fixed, I hope, and if so, we’ll be broadcasting together from our brand new studio!.

Photo taken right afer our wedding at the Unitarian Church in Princeton, NJ.

The photo, above, was taken right after our wedding on Leap Year Day, 1980, at the Unitarian Church in Princeton, NJ. Since this was a second marriage for each of us, we had only hastily decided to pick a date since the best date of all, February 29, would be available in a few weeks. That’s how it happened, and the colleges where we were working had an available hour, so we went and did the deed, in tweed. πŸš€

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