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Harold Burt πŸš€ 85

πŸ‘― January 14, 2012

Flying Saucers 101 and Fun! Tonight we will have a great time re-connecting with an old and dear friend and fellow UFO buff, Harold Burt. Harold is the author of Flying Saucers 101 and has been interested in the subject for over 25 years. He’s also had some experiences, which we will pry out of him.

Harold is a long-time member of Orange County, CA MUFON, and he is the classic guy that other people tell their encounter experiences to. He’s the UFO Guy. You will love him, just like we do!

Cover of Flying Saucers 101.

We had an excellent time reconnecting with our old friend Harold Burt and ultimately reconnecting a whole lot of dots in the combined industrial-UFO-entertainment-corporate-medical complex. There’s a whole lot to think about here in this conversation.

Try to see the bigger picture. Harold’s book Flying Saucers 101 is a good first step. Take it! πŸš€

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